• Insulate your home. Proper insulation is probably the single most important step you can take in energy conservation.
  • Apply caulking around windows and door frames to seal cracks and keep cold air out.
  • Make sure furnace filters are clean; dirty filters cause poor heat circulation and waste energy.
  • Set your heating system at 68-72°F during the day. Set it at no more than 60°F at night (higher temperatures are recommended in homes where there are infants, elderly or individuals who are sick). Also turn it down when you’re away for the day or in bed for the night. Close the heating vents to rooms that you’re not using.
  • Open your blinds and drapes during the day and let in warm sunlight. Close them at night to keep in the heat.
  • When using your fireplace, after the fire is completely out, make sure the damper is closed tightly so heated air won’t go up the chimney.
  • Close your outside door; just a few seconds with the door open can let in a lot of cold air.

Be Energy Wise, Residential Winter Tips

  • Move chairs and sofas away from colder outside walls. Make sure furniture, draperies and rugs aren’t blocking heat flow into your room.
  • Wear several layers of loose-fitting clothes; layered clothing can act like insulation to keep in your body heat.
  • Stay warm at bedtime; wear warm pajamas and use flannel sheets.
  • Find out how low your family can set the thermostat and still feel comfortable. Start by setting it a few degrees lower than usual and putting on a sweater or sweatshirt. Then, if you can, turn the heat down even further.
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