El Paso Electric customers who prefer to pay their bills in person can do so closer to home. El Paso Electric offers our customers more than one hundred authorized payment agencies to process current, delinquent and final bill payments, security deposits and all associated service charges. These independently-owned authorized payment agents may charge a convenience fee that is not collected by El Paso Electric.

Payments made to unauthorized payment agencies are made at the risk of the customer. El Paso Electric cannot accept responsibility for the failure of such unauthorized payment agencies to render a customer's payment to EPE.

CheckFree-Affiliated Authorized Payment Agents
Authorized Payment Agents

These locations charge a $1.50 convenience fee that is not collected by El Paso Electric. EPE customers can pay their electric bill at any Walmart store in the United States.

Western Union-Affiliated Authorized Payment Agents
Western Union-Affiliated
Authorized Payment Agents

Western Union agencies may charge a $1.00 convenience fee that is not collected by
El Paso Electric.

Payment Kiosks

Van Horn, TX:

  • 1800 West Broadway, Suite 316
    Monday-Friday: 9AM-3PM

Las Cruces, NM:

  • 5195 Bataan Memorial West #2
    Monday-Friday: 9AM-6PM
  • 700 N Main St.
    Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM

El Paso, TX:

  • 100 North Stanton St.
    Monday-Friday 7AM-6PM

Fabens, TX:

  • Corner of 1st St. NW & 200 NW Camp St.
    24-Hour Drive-up payment kiosk

24-Hour Payment Drop Box

For your convenience, a 24-hour payment drop box is located at 100 N. Stanton Street in El Paso, Texas. Payments will be processed the next business day. Please do not deposit cash or payments on termination notices at the payment drop box.

Payment Mailing Address
El Paso Electric
P.O. Box 650801
Dallas, Texas 75265-0801 

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