EPE Savings Champion

Welcome to El Paso Electric's

"Energy Savings Champion” challenge!

Are you ready to become an energy-saving superstar? Join us on this exciting journey towards a more sustainable future. You will get an opportunity to lower your bill and win some awesome prizes!

By participating in this monthly challenge, you are getting started on becoming a true
Energy Savings Champion!

Participation is Easy

To participate in the “Energy Savings Champion” challenge, create an account by clicking on the "Sign Up" button.

Once registered, log in to check off the energy savings tips you have implemented at home.

Don't forget to submit proof of your energy savings triumphs! The more you check off, the greater your chances of winning.

Join us today and transform into an “Energy Savings Champion”!

Energy Savings Checklist

Checklist of Energy Savings Behaviors:

Check off the following energy-saving tips to increase your chances of winning prizes and the grand prize.

Upgrade to Energy-Saving LED Light Bulbs:

Replace your old incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs. These bulbs not only save energy but also last much longer, reducing the need for replacements. Swap out old incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient LEDs, which save energy and last longer.

Unplug Unused Electrical Appliances:

Remember to unplug electrical appliances when they are not in use. Many devices continue to consume energy even when they are turned off, so unplugging them can significantly reduce your energy consumption. Remember to unplug appliances not in use, as they can consume energy even when turned off.

Utilize Power Strips for Electronics:

Plug your electronic devices into a power strip instead of directly into the wall outlets. This allows you to easily turn off multiple devices with a single switch when they are not in use, preventing standby power consumption. Plug electronic devices into a power strip for easy shutdown, reducing standby power consumption.

Set Thermostat at an Optimal Temperature:

Adjust your thermostat to a comfortable temperature that reduces unnecessary heating or cooling. Lowering the temperature during winter or raising it during the summer can save a considerable amount of energy. Adjust your thermostat for comfort, saving energy by avoiding unnecessary heating or cooling.

Install a Programmable Thermostat:

Consider installing a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature based on your schedule. This will optimize energy usage when you are away from home. Optimize energy usage with a thermostat that adjusts based on your schedule.

Properly Insulate Your Home:

Ensure your home is well-insulated to prevent energy loss. Insulation helps maintain a comfortable temperature indoors and reduces the need for excessive heating or cooling. This can be as easy as sealing your doors and windows properly. Seal doors and windows to prevent energy loss, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.

Use Natural Light Whenever Possible:

Take advantage of natural light during the day by opening curtains or blinds. This reduces the need for artificial lighting and saves energy. Open curtains or blinds during the day to reduce the need for artificial lighting.

Use Cold Water While Doing Laundry:

Use cold water to wash your clothes as it saves a lot of energy that goes into heating the water. Save energy by using cold water for laundry.

Turn off the Lights When Not in Use:

Turn off lights when leaving a room, to avoid unnecessary energy consumption. Conserve energy by turning off lights when leaving a room.

Use Energy-efficient Curtains:

Energy-efficient curtains can help insulate your home and regulate temperature, reducing the need for heating or cooling. Insulate your home and regulate temperature with energy-efficient curtains.

Avoid Using Standby Mode:

Avoid using standby mode on electronic devices. Turn them off completely when not in use. Turn off electronic devices completely to avoid standby power consumption.

Plant Trees Around Your Home:

Planting trees around your home can help shade it during the summer and provide insulation during the winter, reducing the need for heating or cooling. Shade your home in summer and provide insulation in winter, reducing the need for heating or cooling.

Purchase New Energy Star Certified Appliances:

When purchasing new appliances, look for the Energy Star certification. These appliances are designed to be more energy-efficient and can help you save money on your electricity bills.
 Look for the Energy Star label when buying appliances for increased energy efficiency.

Download the EPE Mobile App:

Put the power at your fingertips and download the El Paso Electric mobile app! Monitor your usage, report outages, and more all from your mobile device.

Enroll in Paperless Billing:

Avoid unnecessary waste, go paperless, and conveniently pay your bill online or through EPE’s mobile app!

Enroll in El Paso Electric’s Energy Wise Savings Program:

The Energy Wise Savings Program helps you stay informed on how to lower your bill and contribute to a sustainable future.

Don't miss out—become an "Energy Savings Champion" now!"


Grand Prize

1 winner picked from the four “Level 1” prize winners. Grand Prize Winner will be announced September 13th, 2024.

$500 Gift Card

Energy Savings Championship Belt

Level 1 Prize

1 Winner per Month

$100 Gift Card
Energy Savings Championship Hat
Energy Savings Champion Tote Bag
Energy Savings Champion Lanyard
Energy Savings Champion Sticker Pack

To qualify participants must complete at least 10 actions off the checklist. Contest dates: April 22nd-August 30th.

Level 2 Prize

5 Winners per Month

$50 Gift Card
Energy Savings Championship Hat
Energy Savings Champion Tote Bag
Energy Savings Champion Lanyard
Energy Savings Champion Sticker Pack

To qualify participants must complete at least 5 actions off the checklist. Contest dates: April 22nd-August 30th.

Level 3 Prize

10 Winners per Month

$10 Gift Card
Energy Savings Champion Lanyard
Energy Savings Champion Sticker Pack

To qualify participants must complete at least 3 actions off the checklist. Contest dates: April 22nd-August 30th.

Savings Champions


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