Trimming Trees

Power lines near trees can be hazardous to you, your family and friends. Trees can conduct electricity, so trimming a tree that’s in contact with a power line can result in serious injury. Here are some safety tips to follow if you’re thinking of pruning trees and shrubs around your home or business.

Electric wires may be concealed in the trees or shrubs you want to trim. Inspect the area carefully to be certain it is clear of wires before you begin.

Do not trim trees that are tangled in or located near power lines. If power lines are near a tree, ask El Paso Electric to help you trim the tree safely.

The 10-foot Rule

Always work a safe distance from all power lines. Federal and state laws require workers and their equipment to keep at least 10 feet from power lines up to 50,000 volts and further away for higher voltages.

Always use a licensed and bonded arborist for residential tree trimming near power lines. EPE will help the arborist safely trim a tree when the tree is within 10 feet of power lines.

When to call El Paso Electric

  • If power lines are causing sparking or arcing in tree branches
  • If broken branches are entangled or hanging from power lines
  • If you are clearing trees near power lines

Call the Trouble and Emergencies numbers listed below and a field representative will be scheduled to conduct an inspection.

Texas (915) 877-3400
New Mexico (575) 523-7591

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