Frequently Asked Questions

Generating Interconnection

Generator Interconnection Requests shall be submitted via email using the appropriate
Application Form along with all requirements to be included in the generator
interconnection study process. Use the following forms accordingly:

Contact Information
For Small or Large Generator Interconnection requests and inquiries contact:
Roberto Favela


Donna Enriquez


EPE uses the Cluster Study methodology to study NRIS Large Generation Interconnection Requests to be studied in clusters for the purpose of the Interconnection System Impact Study and the Interconnection Facilities Study.

All NRIS Interconnection Requests received and deemed complete between April 1 and September 30 will be studied as a cluster defined as the “Fall Cluster Queue Window”, and all Interconnection Requests received and deemed complete between October 1 and March 31 of the following year will be studied as part of the “Spring Queue Cluster Window."

Interconnection customers are expected to familiarize themselves with EPE’s
interconnection process through EPE’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Tariff.

  • See the OATT’s Attachment M for Large Generator Interconnection Procedures
    (LGIP) and Agreement
  • See the OATT’s Attachment N for Small Generator Interconnection Procedures
    (SGIP) and Agreement

See checklists for the following requests:
Transmission/ Substation Interconnection Request

For Distribution Interconnection Requests, contact  

Interconnection customers may submit a completed Optional Pre-Application Report Request Form via email for a proposed project at a specific site to find relevant EPE system information near the proposed point of interconnection. The pre-application is limited to the extent of the information provided in the form. No additional information will be provided.

Large generator interconnections studies typically take 90 days to complete but may take longer due to the complexity of the study and amount of interconnection customers request within the cluster.

Small generator interconnection studies typically take 60 days to complete. 

$160,000 for up to 75 MW
$250,000 for 75 MW or greater

$1,000 for larger than 2 MW but no larger than 20 MW

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